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Hilfe bei Ängsten, Traumata und Blockaden

How to get anxiety disorders under control

In fact, most of us experience a difficult, anxiety-provoking phase in our lives sooner or later. But such a low is usually followed by a high all by itself. However, fears can also develop at this point that limit you and your life to a greater or lesser extent.


If fears are exaggerated, they can limit you and your life to a greater or lesser extent. For example, if a one-off frightening event gradually spreads to other areas of your life. This causes those "vague" states of anxiety where you cannot put the feeling or the reasons for it into words. Your professional or private life can present you with situations in which your tried and tested coping strategies no longer work. This is especially true if you adopt unwanted behaviors out of fear or consciously or unconsciously avoid certain situations.

Symptoms: Anxiety disorders make life difficult

Causes & Treatment

Causes: often suppressed feelings

Loss, grief, being overwhelmed, hurt or exhausted: almost every adult is familiar with at least one of these unpleasant states. If these feelings, which often arise in childhood, are suppressed over a long period of time, they can lead to anxiety, trauma or depression - and this does not necessarily require a single shocking experience.

Treatment: There are many ways out of fear

I will help you to get rid of your fears. We will identify entrenched behavioral patterns and resolve old beliefs that have been fueling your fear. The goal is that you can once again tackle your life as freely and independently as you have long wanted. The first step is for you to talk to me about your fear. Perhaps you can bring a trusted person with you to this conversation. We will then decide together how we want to deal with your specific fear. This could be conversations. Behavioral therapy. Coaching. Or hypnotherapy.

Let's just talk about it.

What are typical anxiety disorders?

When fear takes over

Do fears limit your everyday life? Do you cancel appointments or do you consciously avoid situations? These are behavioral patterns associated with an anxiety disorder. If you keep repeating them, you reinforce them. In order to find your way back to a free life, it is important to break free from ingrained behavioral patterns. I will support you on your path to freedom from fear and self-determination.

Do you suffer from anxiety?

fears in professional life

Find your potential with business coaching & supervision

Meine Coachings zeichnen sich auch dadurch aus, dass ich aus der Wirtschaft komme und über langjährige Führungserfahrung verfüge. Ich weiß aus eigener Erfahrung, was Führungsverantwortung bedeutet und kenne den Grat zwischen positiver Motivation und lähmenden Erfolgsdruck. Darüber hinaus bin ich mit den verschiedenen Anforderungen, Rollen und Perspektiven im Arbeitsalltag vertraut und habe die meisten Coaching-Techniken zunächst als Managerin kennengelernt.


  • Executive Coaching

  • Coaching bei Führungsproblemen und/oder Konflikten

  • Vorbereitung auf wichtige Gespräche und Verhandlungen

  • Rollenklärung und Weiterentwicklung als Führungskraft

  • Schlagfertigkeit trainieren​

  • Berufliche Veränderung, Umorientierung und Neuorientierung

  • Selbstmarketing und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung

  • Mehr Selbstvertrauen und Sicherheit im Auftreten

  • Blockaden auflösen – z. B. bei Redeängsten

  • Young Professionals


Zusätzlich biete ich Supervision an: 1/2-Tage- und Tagesworkshops für offene und geschlossene Gruppen. 

Das sagen meine Firmenkunden

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