Anorexia or emetophobia?
Not every anorexic is afraid of calories
People who suffer from emetophobia can become anorexic. Even the thought of certain foods can make them anxious and panic. Some only eat things that they are sure do not pose a personal risk of vomiting, such as dry bread.
Here you will find answers to the following questions as well as valuable tips:
Anorexia nervosa, also known as anorexia, is a complex mental illness. It often begins in puberty and affects girls, but in recent years it has also increasingly affected boys. The causes of anorexia are varied and can be a combination of genetic, biological, psychological and social factors. A genetic predisposition is increasingly being identified as a trigger for the illness.
What is anorexia?
Magersucht kann nicht nur zu einem starken Gewichtsverlust führen, sondern auch zu langfristigen körperlichen Schäden und psychischen Belastungen. Neben Depressionen und Angstzuständen können auch soziale Isolation und ein gestörtes Selbstbild auftreten. Eine frühzeitige Diagnose und Therapie sind deshalb unerlässlich.
Long-term damage
People with anorexia have a distorted body image and an extremely strong desire to be thin and lose weight. They turn away from food and social activities and often fast. Counting calories and excessive dieting are part of everyday life. Those affected are often very disciplined and find control over their weight very important in order to gain control over their lives.
Control over weight and life
The treatment of anorexia usually includes a combination of medical care, psychotherapy and nutritional counseling. The aim is to restore a healthy body weight, correct the distorted self-image, reduce psychological stress and strengthen self-esteem. Continuous care and support in the form of aftercare are important to ensure the long-term success of the therapy.
It is important to note that anorexia is a serious illness that should not be underestimated. If you or someone you know is showing signs of anorexia, you should seek medical attention from a specialist or therapist. The sooner the condition is identified and treated, the greater the chances of a full recovery.
The treatment
Anorexia as a result of emetophobia
Anorexia can also be rooted in a completely different phobia than the fear of gaining weight. To find out, the cause must be investigated in several dimensions. People who suffer from emetophobia, i.e. the fear of vomiting, can become anorexic. For this reason, in my practice, when researching the cause and treating anorexia, I never limit the problem of anorexia to the physical situation and puberty phase of the person affected.
Psychological prohibitions lead to physical symptoms
Social withdrawal is usually an early consequence of emetophobia. Later on, emetophobics focus primarily on their diet: some only eat things that they are sure do not pose a personal "risk" for vomiting, such as dry bread. Others seek some form of accompanying distraction when eating, including watching television. All of this causes lasting damage to the body, because important vitamins and nutrients are no longer absorbed in sufficient quantities. But that is not all.
The fear of vomiting causes some sufferers to slip very quickly into a form of anorexia. They lose weight, lose weight and abstain from eating. All clear symptoms of classic anorexia nervosa. With one crucial difference: those affected are not actually refusing to gain weight and would even like to eat normally. However, they simply cannot. The fear of vomiting is too strong and prevents them from eating without problems and without emotional hurdles.
Du siehst: Für eine nachhaltige Therapie ist in diesem Fall eine völlig andere Herangehensweise erforderlich. Nicht nur die Magersucht muss primär behandelt werden, sondern auch die zugrundeliegende Phobie. Und bei der handelt es sich nicht um die Angst vor zu viel Gewicht, sondern die Angst, aufgenommene Nahrung nicht bei sich behalten zu können.
Wie andere Angststörungen auch ist die Emetophobie erlernt. Falsche Denkmuster, basierend auf einem bestimmten Erlebnis, haben sich festgesetzt und führen zu einem falschen Handeln. Was in der Vergangenheit nicht oder nur unzureichend verarbeitet, muss verarbeitet werden.
Dabei hilft Hypnose, die falschen Denkmuster aufzulösen: Sie ist ein aktives Werkzeug, mit dem Betroffene nicht nur Zugriff auf das fehlerhafte Denken erlangen. Sie entwickeln auch eigene Kräfte, um Veränderungen herbeizuführen. Wer die Emetophobie als Auslöser einer Magersucht erfolgreich bewältigt, bekommt am Ende auch seinen Körper in den Griff.